Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Short Story

Okay, I know everyone has just probably stopped checking my blog and I completely understand but my life is messy right now. My first problem is this dang dial up is just NOT worth my valuable time these days to sit here while the stupid page takes so long to pull up. I have enjoyed my blog so much and feel so bad about not posting and updating but all I can say is I am sorry! I bet I am the only one left on dial up in the world! lol

so, life has been twisting and turning for me and I am just not at home sitting in front of the computer much anymore. Plus, I have not turned my camera ON in since Christmas I think (which is SOOOO not me). Back in February I stopped keeping most of my kids and now I am bouncing around from one thing to another, I literally feel like a ping pong ball some days. I am juggling keeping kids two days a week, working at a local restaurant Mondays, some week days, and all weekend...and I am still struggling with my A&P II class this semester (which has been a real pain and more in-depth than A&P I). It seems some times all I do is function like a robot! Get up, Bentlee to school, shower, work, shower, school, eating alot from stress during all this...and maybe staying home with my family, laundry strung from the laundry room to the bedroom...dishwasher always full...its just a mess! So, to sit down and enjoy blogging would not qualify these days. I am looking for a fulltime job again so maybe, just maybe I will join the everyday blogging! I miss it terribly, I miss commenting and posting and reading and all that comes with far as the rest of my life, well, I won;t get into all that. The girls are good, been struggling with colds, Dad is doing good (worried about his job like everyone else), Wade was laid off a few weeks ago, so its hard to find much good to post about anyway.

BUT, I will be there Friday night girls, I had to take off work but thats okay, I need a break anyway. See you there...

oh and I am going to get around to changing my background promises.


Michele said... blogged! I can't believe know I had to give you a hard time...LOL! I'm actually one of the fortunate one's...get to talk to you weekly so that I half way know what's going on in your life! See you Friday:-)

Kelly said...

Sorry things are so crazy for you right now. They say the Lord never gives us more than we can handle, but it's sure questionable at times. I've been thinking about you alot and I'm here if you need me. Can't wait to see ya Friday!

Wendy said...

Sorry to hear you have so much crazieness in your life. Glad you are coming on friday, sounds like you need a break!

Judson's Mommy said...

I was wondering about you. I can't say much, I have not blogged much either. Hope things look up for you soon. I am here if you need me.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear from you, Shelley!!! It was so good to see you at the Grapevine (I can't say much for those other waitresses there...wish you could stay there!!) I can't imagine the tough times you are going through, but I know you can make it...I'm rooting for you!! You have a beautiful family and home and most important I know that you have Jesus in your that's all that matters!! SMILE!!! :)Nancy G

Judi said...

I second that OMG. I am so gald to hear from you. I am extra excited that you are coming on Friday. Things will work out they always do. See you Friday!!

Shari said...

I'm so sorry for all that you are going through....please remember you are not alone in this.......if there is ANYTHING I can do for you please don't hesitate......

I can't wait to see you tomorrow night!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad to finally hear from you. You have been in my thoughts, and prayers too. Please know if you need someone to talk to I am here and we all are. Like Kelly said, God doesn't give us more than we can handle. I am so happy to hear you will be there tomorrow night. I myself can't wait for a GIRLS NIGHT OUT!!!!!

Keri said...

Hey girl - Us bloggers have missed you. I'm sorry life is hectic for you right now. I'm sure things will calm down soon. Hang in there!

Hope you guys had fun at the blogger blast. Wish I could have been there. I was actually in Ahoskie for the weekend, but time with my parents is so precious, I jsut hung with them.