Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Biting toddlers

Got one for any of you that may need some help...

Bentlee was not a "biter" as a child, Rylee IS..or was, rather.
A mother and friend of mine told me about an article she read in a magazine on biting. When I was working full time it was difficult to catch Rylee in the act of "biting"...but now its different. Of course, I had to explain to two mothers that are bring their kids to my house that MY child had bit them! How embarassing...I had tried biting her back and pretty much everything except hot sauce. I was just afraid to do that!
The article she told me about suggested using LEMON juice...which I just so happened to have on hand the last time she bit. So, upon catching her biting...I immediately scolded her, took her to the fridge, gave her a good squirt in the mouth with the lemon juice, and escorted her to the TIME out chair...and by George, she has not put those sharp knockers on another child....
"knock on wood"

SO, in case you have a biter on your hands, try the lemon juice. And I would hope my friends, you will not report me to SS...I am a great mother, but a firm beleiver of ruling my own children with the hand...this time it was the hand that unscrewed the lemon juice, and I am not apologizing. Thanks to the mom that gave me the article advice.

PS This is two days in a row I have blogged, LOL!


Michele said...

YOU are on a roll girl!!! Glad you got Rylee straightened out! Will have to remember that advice! I'll talk to u tonight or tomorrow...need to be sure I'm straight on directions to get to your house since the bridge on 35 is out of comission...AND see if you're still ok with me coming straight when I get off of work! Good luck on your test tomorrow night:-)

Judson's Mommy said...

Thanks! I will remember that when Judson decides to get some little teeth!

Keri said...

Thanks - I'll file this information away and hope I don't ever have the occasion to use it! But good to know a quick fix.

Tara said...

Forrest is a biter...but he LIKES lemon juice...he might be the devil, hmmm. Anyway-I used hotsauce for Peyton's Sailor Mouth (wonder where he got that from?!) I'm going to try it for the biting...