Monday, August 18, 2008


Last year...the first day of PreK

It's that time again...the school buses will soon be out and about making you late for work...the school supplies have been purchased and the new book bags are waiting for the "ride"...can you hardly beleive it? Bentlee will start KINDERGARTEN this year. Above is the photo of her first day of PreK...I was not blogging then. She was SO eager to start school...and she is this year too. Wonder what grade they start that "attitude" thing about NOT wanting to go back to school? Can't wait for that...right~
And this year, I go "back" to school too! Life is SOOO strange how it changes from one year to the day to the next. I would have never predicted my life would take this turn a year ago as I posed on that sidewalk with her...never thought she would be riding the bus and actually getting off at our house, not someone else's house until I could get off work to pick her up. She is really EXcited about all that too. I can see her now...running off the bus, falling in the rocks in the driveway as she can hardly wait to tell me WHAT she did that day...LOL! Everybody knows my poor Bentlee can trip on an even surface ;o)


Judi said...

I love your new background. And I love that you change your picture at the top. I need to do that more often.

Judi said...

And your daughter is very cute!!!

Donielle said...

Well...Hannah's attitude changed in Kindergarten. I think it was the whole homework thing...she never wanted to go. But then again, that was probably just Hannah. Who knows what the normal age is for the big attitude switch.

Wendy said...

Both mine are excited about going back to school. Life is sometimes perfect, I would love to see mine get off the bus, how great for you. You should be very proud of your decision.

Keri said...

Hooray for Bentlee and Kindergarten! I know you are a proud Mama! And I'm so excited she isn't the only one going back to school - you have some wonderful things going on in your life. I'm so happy for you.