Wednesday, June 18, 2008

NEW blogger alert!

We have a new blogger....Kelly Clark! Hurrahhhh! I always love to add new blogger friends...she is just getting starting and will work through all the ends and outs like the rest of us but she's here!

Wendy, here is someone else "to watch in the airport"! LOL! I do love the "watching" myself and when you create a blog you take a chance on folks "watching" but who cares! Its not like we are posting nude photos...gross! LOL! I am constantly trying to get others to blog, I LOVE IT! As you can see, I post 2-3 times a day sometimes and nothing on other days (rare, I know!).

Give Kelly a shout!


Michele said...

Go Kelly! We need a blogger link to check out her site!!!

Michele said...

Never mind! Her link was on your page when I went back to your page..guess I was too quick!

Judi said...

Let us know her blog site so we can visit and welcome her to blogging.