Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The joys of motherhood (VERY GRAPHIC!)

Well, I got up this morning at 5:30am as usual, showered, dressed, got Bentlee ready, then we went...then Rylee threw up in the car...SO, we U turned...came back home, regrouped, sent B to school with Karley, Rylee acted, we tried again...only for her to throw up again in the car...actually twice before we made it back home....once we were home, I changed her for the second time, and then she threw up on both of us... I warned you this was, here I am, at home with a sick child...doing nothing but watching her while she sleeps for fear of her choking if she throws up again!

Some may think it must be nice to stay home every now and then with a sick child, but I can ASSURE you, its not like a Saturday at home doing whatever you please....sometimes it can be somewhat of a scary and stressful day depending on the sickness. And a virus, or whatever Rylee has, is one of the worst (six times so far and 5 sets of clothes) can't just run to the doc, get meds, and feel sure everything will be back to normal tomorrow. And she has a bad case this time, she has never thrown up this many times...nor Bentlee. And another thing, PRAY another family member does not get it! What a week already....

Another dilema! You know I have been waiting very patiently for the new swingset...the trucking co called yesterday and its in Raleigh at the warehouse waiting for delivery....but NOT until the 24th! JUST GREAT, JUST FANTASTIC! So, do I go to Raleigh, Wade says ABSOLUTELY NOT, or do I just swallow it and face the fact that the my daughters birthday party will be minus the new swingset I envisioned?

The joys of motherhood....


Keri said...

Eeewww! What a lovely morning you've had.
The throw up bug is awful - I'm not looking forward to the day when Caleb has his first. Hang in there today and I pray for Rylee's speedy recovery.

Holms and I said...

Bless your heart!! Sick children are no fun!!! hope she feels better!!

Judi said...

It will all work out the way it is suppose to. I am sorry you have a sick one. How's Dad doing today?