Thursday, April 3, 2008

Just heard from my mom, dad, and Sissy...Dad had the infuse-a-port put in...he says it looks like a double runway at the airport, he gets sort of crazy when he has been put to sleep...actually he gets real crazy talking...he just told me a joke about Chelsea Clinton going to Iraq and asking a soldier what he was scared of. The soldier replied, "Osama, Obama, and Yo-MAMA!" He thought this to be very hilarious...I laughed pretty histerically myself...savoring the thought that one day I may not be able to laugh with my dad...okay, NOT going to be depressing anymore.

Did you know an Infuse-a-port has been known to stay in sometimes 7-10 years?! Wow. In Dad's case, he will have it in for the duration of treatment. For those of you that do not know what that simple terms, its a permanent IV port in the chest. He can get his treatments through it and they can draw blood through it. So, we still don't know anything about the FIRST OFFICIAL treatment date...hopefully next Friday. I will be making my first trip with them to Chapel Hill. That should be a hoot itself. Sissy said today that she had to put mom or dad in "time out" from time to time b/c of the bickering among them about the checkbook or about this or least they are both still acting like themselves for now.
Okay, I am rambling.
Next appointment will be Wednesday for paperwork...we have been told its more paperwork than buying a house...good gracious!
Just continue to pray for our family...I did not mention my mom this morning. I always and forever thought my mom was so emotionally strong, to only find out in my later years, she is not. When praying for my dad, always add my mom to that...she will be the unstable one, the one that will need dad and I are alot alike in handling things: give me what I have to deal with and lets DO IT! Mom, she is more...."negative" is not the right word...but she sees the worst first. Although, mom is a nurse and she KNOWS what will or can happen...just lift my mom up also.
I have not been through a cancer battle...this is all new to me so bare with me if I get some things wrong or mispell them.
In closing....
Dear Lord, keep my mom, dad, and sister safe as they travel home today. And continue to watch over all of us as we travel back and forth with dad for treatments. Thank you Lord for all you do for us. Amen~
Enough for today...

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Hey Shelley, thanks for sharing about your Dad. As you know, I have been there, but hopefully ya'll will have a better outcome than my family. Just stay strong and know that what you are feeling is normal. If you ever need to talk to someone that knows what you are going through, I am here. I am sending many prayers your way!
