Today my mind is heavy with thoughts of my dad...some of you may know and some dad has lymphoma, diagnosed in treatments so far and he is not physically sick except he is very fatigued...that changed a few weeks ago. He had a lymph node removed from his leg and it shows the cancer is more aggressive than we thought...that means treatment. Today, he is in Chapel Hill to determine the course of treatment and to possibly have an Infuse-a-port (spelling?) placed in his chest for treatments. I will know more this afternoon about the course of action.
My dad has to be the BEST person I know...not just because he is my dad and I am bias but he really is....he's got it together, he is smart, he is conservative, he can fix anything, he saves money like nobody I know, he is the best dad around and has tried his best to instill morals and values in me...and best of all, he is a die-hard Christian, a TRUE beleiver in God and his ability...therefore, he will pull through this without a doubt...
but, is hard to be positive b/c I know the bad news is coming....the news about when he will be sick and how he will vomit, how he will lose his hair...and how he won't be able to work...and THAT, THAT very thing, will bring him down...not working, that man LOVES to work, whether it be at home or at the office...he is commited to being busy (guess I come by that honest!), the only thing that can bring him through this is God! I have to beleive that with all my heart....I have to "be still" and listen to the Lord...and to all my real good friends reading this, being STILL is not one of my strong suits, I am a "doer", a "fixer", and a "goer"...and if I can't "fix" it...I get, I pray today....pray that I can be "still" and accept that I can not "fix" my dad....
Will post more later...sorry to be so depressed today but we all have those days and I needed to get it out...
more later....
I'm so sorry to hear about your dad! It is never an easy thing to know what's coming in the wake of such a devastating illness, but you have to keep the faith that he'll get through. Sending you and your dad good thoughts!
I am so glad you shared this, this is how you get all those good thoughts and prayers rolling. We will all be in prayer for your dad.
His faith is what will keep him strong, a fight is a fight, but with the lord on your side it's makes it a whole lot easier.
Hang in there and keep the faith.
Sending {{Hugs}} and Prayers your way!!
I'm so sorry. You have the best attitude, and you are right - we can do all things through Christ.
You are your family are in my heart and prayers.
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