Monday, May 19, 2008

HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY "Fattie"!

Saturday, May 17th, Michele turned 30! She is a dear friend of mine and is a little afraid of turning 30...but everybody has to do it!

BTW, I call her "Fattie" because she is always complaining about being FAT! If you know Michele, for her to say this is OH SO ridiculous! I tell her I wish I could be as "fat" as she is...LOL!

I chose this picture because she complained the SDV pics were awful of her!


Michele said...

Thanks girl! You had to post it, didn't you...I thought I had gotten by...LOL! Luv ya girl!

Judi said...

At least she didn't post the SDV pictures.

Tina said...

Yeah, that Michele is one LARGE gal.. and, listen here, Fattie, 30 is grrreat!! Until you start falling all to pieces and forgetting stuff! Happy Belated!

Donielle said...

If only I could be that "fat"!!

Wendy said...

Happy Belated Michelle!!

Wait till you turn 40 YUKKKKKKK!

Michele said...

Thanks for all the Birthday Wishes EVERYBODY:-)!!! So what you trying to say Judi...bad SDV pics...LOL!