Monday, May 19, 2008

Ken update

Ken had to have emergency surgery on his bladder late Friday night. The doctors had been watching it b/c they were afraid it was still leaking. So, he is talking "out of his head" again...not making any sense, almost like someone talking in their sleep. Julie says she thinks it was a blessing in disguise happening now before he recovers fully.

However, last I talked to her yesterday or this morning, can't remember which, his bladder was still leaking! They are saying again that hopefully it will heal on its on.

Continue to pray for Julie and the others...just when it seemed Ken was coming around last week, here is another set back.


Judi said...


I hope he is feeling better soon. It takes a long time to recover from any type of injury.

Anonymous said...

My prayers are with Ken. He is the one the Lord needs to be with right now. May he place his hands on him and give comfort and healing.